David Orr’s photo is by Emily Shur
Join us Tuesday, July 19 at 7 p.m. Eastern (4 p.m. Pacific) for a reading and conversation with Joy Ladin and David Orr. Joy will be reading from her most recent poetry collection, Shekhinah Speaks (Selva Oscura Press), and David will be speaking about his visual art. Together they will examine the intersection of written and visual expression. We welcome questions from the audience!
Joy Ladin has long worked at the tangled intersection of literature, Judaism, and transgender identity. She has published ten books of poetry, including her new collection, Shekhinah Speaks (Selva Oscura Press); National Jewish Book Award winner The Book of Anna; The Future is Trying to Tell Us Something: New and Selected Poems; and Lambda Literary Award finalists Transmigration and Impersonation. She is also the author of a memoir of gender transition, National Jewish Book Award finalist Through the Door of Life; and another work of creative non-fiction, Lambda Literary and Triangle Award finalist, The Soul of the Stranger: Reading God and Torah from a Transgender Perspective. Her work has been recognized with a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, a Fulbright Scholarship, an American Council of Learned Societies Research Fellowship, and a Hadassah Brandeis Institute Research Fellowship, among other honors. A nationally recognized speaker on transgender issues, she has been featured on a number of NPR programs, including an “On Being” with Krista Tippett interview that has been rebroadcast several times. Episodes of her online conversation series, “Containing Multitudes,” are available at JewishLive.org/multitudes.
Joy’s writing is available at joyladin.wordpress.com.
You can purchase Shekhinah Speaks here.
David Orr is a visual artist based in California. His work has been shown extensively in the United States and internationally in shows juried by representatives from the de Young Museum, the International Center for Photography, the Lucie Awards, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, The New York Times, and the Whitney Museum of American Art, among others. His work is in public collections among such artists as Ansel Adams, John Baldessari, Jim Dine, David Hockney, The Brothers Quay, Edward Weston, and Joel-Peter Witkin. His most recent solo exhibition, RADIANCE + REFLECTION: Mandalas and Moon, is on view at Tibet House US in New York City through July 17th.
You can learn more about David at his website david-orr.com.
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