
Manuscripts should be no longer than 3000 words. Manuscripts should be double-spaced in 12-point type, with at least one-inch margins, and sequentially numbered pages. The author’s name and email address, and the word count, should be typed at the top of the first page. We accept simultaneous submissions. We do not accept previously published work. One submission per open submission period, please.

When you submit, you grant MicroLit First North American Serial Rights to publish the work on its website (ADD LINK). Following initial online publication, all rights to the work will revert to you. When the work is published on MicroLit you grant MicroLit the right to continue to display it for not less than one year.

Please include an Author Bio, Artist's Statement, Social Media links, and author website with your submission and send it to:

MicroLit accepts submissions two times a year in March and October. Please check this site and social media for submission dates.

Mission Statement

We promote writing as a force for freedom of expression, social change, and creativity. We publish works from a diverse, inclusive community and welcome new and experienced writers who share these values.