Wisdom of Butterflies by Jean Janicke

Butterflies in a sunlit field settling of stalks of flowers. Produse colors of brown, yellow, green and lavender.r

When running footsteps

sway flower stems,

a butterfly net brushes

white blossoms, sends

dandelion fluff flying,

scent of sunscreen

mingles with child’s sweat,

a small girl’s shadow

blackens grass blades,

it’s time to fly.

Artist’s Statement

This poem is inspired by childhood summers.  I think it was my grandmother who gave me the butterfly net.  I ran and ran and never caught anything, Now I can see how alarming it would be to have this child running toward you, am I glad the butterflies flew away in self-defense. 

A woman with short curly hair wearing a blue dress, standing ina garden with white daisies and purple flowers.

Jean Janicke turned to poetry in the pandemic and has embraced the life-long learning that reading and writing poetry offers. She lives in Washington, DC.  Her work on the natural world has appeared in Feral, Paper Dragon, and Green Ink Poetry


Thumbs by Roger D’Agostin


Educated by Becky Jo Gesteland