July 2022
"A word after a word after a word is power."
--Margaret Atwood
Dear Friends,
We interrupt your backyard BBQs and splashing for Birch Bark Editing’s July News. Your applause was heard by last month’s Department of Congratulations writers, so join us as we congratulate July’s roster.
Linda Dittmar received a $5,000 fellowship award from the Mass Cultural Council as a finalist in nonfiction.
Jobs for Girls with Artistic Flair by June Gervais is out in the world! Way to go, June!
Congratulations to Cheryl Pappas whose flash fiction “Spent” made the Wigleaf Top 50 for 2022.
This month’s in conversation guest, David Orr, has a solo exhibit, Radiance + Reflection: Mandalas and Moon, at Tibet House US in New York city.
A huge hurrah to Ray Nayler, in conversation with us in October, for his novel The Mountain in the Sea, which made the Publisher’s Weekly Top Ten upcoming novels list.
And a milestone in literary magazine history has been reached as AGNI celebrates 50 years of publishing.
We send congratulations to graduates the world over, especially our fellows at the Bennington Writing Seminars. Finally, a little pat on the back to all our wonderful Birch Bark Editing clients. You’re a joy to collaborate with and your creative work is stunning.
Send us your news at Birch Bark Editing. We take joy in spreading the word about your dazzling successes!
June was a busy month with Birch Bark Editing – new writers attended our Mix & Meet gathering and in a split second or so produced astonishing work, some of which will be featured in MicroLit Almanac. James Tate Hill and M.C. Armstrong talked about memoir with a nod to the old and the new Top Gun movies. If you missed it, you can watch the event here.
The magic of Mix & Meet continues with incredibly productive writing. Prompts and prose! An added bonus: work by Mix & Meet writers is automatically submitted to MicroLit Almanac! Join us Tuesday, July 12th at 5 p.m. Eastern.
We’re pleased to offer a new, three-hour intensive, synchronous flash generative experience: Moments in Miniature, Monday, July 18th, 3-6 p.m. PDT/ 6-9 p.m. EDT ($110). If you have questions, email us at birchbarkediting@gmail.com.
You’ll want to check out our latest flash publications by Lasell Jaretzki Bartlett, Michael Ahn and Kelly Watt – and do have a listen to Danuta Hinc’s reading of Czeslaw Milocz’s “A Song on the End of the World.”
And that’s a wrap! We wish all of you a sparkling long weekend.
Cat & Max